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Audio and video clips are a fun way to enhance a personal history or printed family stories.

Our dynamic QR codes are $7.95 and yours for life. They are for personal, non-commercial, family-friendly use only. [Learn more about dynamic vs. static QR codes.]

When Joerg and Desiree rememberized their 30th wedding anniversary through a photobiography, they added a spread with the best family video moments. The videos give a great impression of what life with six children was like.

To watch one of the videos, scan the QR code below or click on the image.

When the Tucks rememberized their mission to Phnom Penh through a photobiography, they also added a few QR links. One link is a short video they shot walking across the local market. Watching the clip communicates beautifully the feeling of what that was like.

To watch the short video, scan the QR code or click on the image.

When we created an Illustrated Family History Story of a story grandpa loves to tell about his grandparents, we included an audio link of him telling the story. Having his voice rememberized is priceless.

To hear grandpa tell his story, scan the QR code or click on the image.

Remember, our lifetime, dynamic QR codes are for personal, non-commercial, family-friendly use only.