Rememberize Newsletter, November 2019

Christmas Gift: Pre-Order Your Photobiography

Resolve To Share the Stories of Your Life

Looking for the perfect Christmas gift for a cherished loved one?
A Rememberize Photobiography is the perfect choice.

Need a little inspiration to enter 2020 with a plan to share your life stories with your family?
A Rememberize Photobiography will get that done as well.

Our Holiday Special gives you the opportunity to lock in your photobiography project today. Present it as a gift to a friend or family member or use it as the starting point in your plan to record your stories in the new year! Either way, it’s a great way to celebrate the season of giving.  Purchase your photobiography project by the end of the year with a $1,000 down payment, and we’ll help you produce one family history children’s book for FREE as a bonus gift.

A Rememberize photobiography is a collection of the short stories from your life that combine to tell your life story in way that will inspire and entertain your family and friends. The photobiography is a hard-bound book, 11″ x 8-1/2″, anywhere from 50 to 250 (or more) pages. Its stories can span your lifetime, or we can focus on an important chapter of your life (military, marriage, jobs, church missions, vacations, holidays, traditions, or whatever part of your life works for you).

We believe that your life stories, presented in a way that your loved ones will actually read them, will inspire, entertain, and teach them. That’s why we break your photobiography into shorter stories that include photos, illustrations, maps, timelines, and sidebars with historic content to create a dynamic product that will capture the imagination.  Each story reveals the lessons learned, the people who touch lives, and memories that shape a life. If you desire, video and audio clips can be included to enhance the reader experience.

Contact us today to purchase your Holiday Special, to get your photobiography started and qualify for your FREE children’s book. Call us at (801) 337-9573 or send us an email at [email protected] and we’ll get you started.

The Popularity of Children’s Books

The children’s book has become one of our most popular family history publishing options. Whether you take advantage of our holiday special to receive a free children’s book, or you choose to go directly with the children’s book option, it’s a great way to share the stories from your history. You want your children, especially, to know the stories from their past, and that is why we are always looking for fun ways to engage the entire family in the storytelling process. Our family history children’s books are great way to share your family stories and connect the generations of your family.

A Rememberize children’s book is an 8″ x 8″, saddle-stitched book, in sizes of 16, 20, or 24 pages plus a 4-page cover. Beginning with page 2the book is laid out in two-page spreads, with text on one page and a matching illustration on the facing page (this can vary left and right throughout the book, as desired).

Upcoming Events

Roots Tech Salt Lake City 2020 is not that far away, and we’ll be there. If you are attending, stop by our booth to see samples of our books. Roots Tech is scheduled for February 26-29, 2020.

Recent Rememberize Projects

Since our last newsletter, we have completed a number of projects, and we have quite a few more in progress to be completed by the end of the year. Two of our more recent children’s books tell the stories of Ward and Emma Fisher generously feeding families in need, and Absalom Boston, the first African-American captain of a whale ship, in 1822.

We also produced the inspiring story of Troy Fisher, who teaches us how to conquer the “issues” of our lives in a Stories of Life Mini-book, “Becoming Whole.” This story inspires Troy’s family, but is a powerful read to anyone who stares down life’s challenges. We are just finishing up photobiographies about the Church missionary service of Sandra and Richard Merrill, and the lives of Judy and Gerry Weber.

Another project that is almost ready for the printer is a 160-page photobiography about Marian and Gordon Jensen. Marian is the daughter of Ernest L. Wilkinson, and this book was written by the Marian and Gordon’s daughters. It’s an example of one way to approach working with us on your photobiography project. We took what they wrote and combined it with photos, video, audio, and a few timelines and sidebars, to create the final printed product. We can do the interviews and writing, and work your project from scratch, or take it from where you are to help you get the final product you want.

Quarterly DIY Tip

Tell your story to someone else.

Your “ordinary” stories might be a lot more inspiring than you think. One way to jump start your personal history project is to share your story, out loud, with someone else. Record it, have it written down, and then read the draft. You’ll be amazed at the new insights you’ll receive as the story comes to life for you. And, having started the process of telling your story, new memories will come flooding back that will empower you to finish the story and inspire you to move on to the next one, and the one after that…