Enrich Photos with Video, Audio, and any other Web-based content

Got some great video footage from your last vacation, your kid’s sports event, the last family reunion, …?

Awesome. Those are definitely moments that are worth capturing and remembering.

But if you are anything like me, those cool video moments may have been shared once, right after they happened, but after that… you probably can barely remember where they were. It took me a while to find the one I posted with this blog. I knew it was there, but I haven’t looked at it in years.

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Probably not the only and final resolution to this dilemma, but definitely a very nice one, is to create a link to those videos from a printed photo, either hanging on a wall, or in a photo album or scrap book.

That very thought is the motivation for our creating the MoreAboutMe.org web site and service.

MoreAboutMe.org provides you with stickers that contain easy-to-follow links to your video, audio, or any other-web content.  You can generate these stickers online and then download,  place and print them as you would a digital photo or, you can purchase pre-printed multimedia stickers through Amazon (starting March 2018).

Each sticker contains a unique CODE. Through the free MoreAboutMe.org Management Portal you control where this CODE points to.  You can change the destination url at any time. The CODE can be scanned through your smart phone using any QRcode reader app, or can be entered directly onto the MoreAboutMe.org website.

Here are some examples of how where you might want to place a MoreAboutMe multimedia sticker. To protect the privacy of the individuals, most of the links are not active. But I think you get the idea.

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